Saturday Slings
Saturday Slings is a little different to our regular Friday session.
- There’s a £10 non-refundable booking fee
- You have a specific appointment time, the appointment is for 30 minutes with Kate
- Venue may vary, but will often be Kate’s kitchen
Pre-booking and letting us know your carrying wishes/needs are absolutely essential, your appointment will be planned around your needs.
Example of a session: 4 appointments booked.
Appointment 1: 5 month old, parents have a Baby Bjorn Original which they are finding uncomfortable to use. They definitely want the option to forward face their baby. Plan: Discuss and demonstrate more supportive carriers with a forward facing option, review additional safety considerations for the forward facing position.
Appointment 2: 5 months pregnant, wanting to look at newborn options. Plan: Look at stretchy wraps (1 and 2-way), structured stretchies (Caboo, Koalababy) and a couple of buckle carriers which are safe from birth, look at safety considerations for newborn carrying. Suggest they come to a Friday session when they can to see carrying in action.
Appointment 3: 14 month old, regular library client when little one was younger, but mum is back at work so can’t come to the Friday session, she’s heard lots about ring slings and wants to know more. Plan: Try some ring slings, different shoulder types and fabric blends, see which she likes and troubleshoot.
Appointment 4: 10 month old, wants to hire specifically a Minimonkey Minisling for a holiday. Plan: Let them try the Minisling, however as I am pretty sure it won’t meet their needs I’ve also got a selection of other hot-weather options ready for them
Why the fee? We’ve run Saturday sessions before, a lot of people just don’t show up, attaching a fee to the session makes each appointment contribute to Chesterfield Sling Library. The fee is non-refundable, but it is transferable, so if you notify us prior to the session that you are unable to attend we can rebook you on to a future Saturday Slings session.
Why the appointment? Kate’s kitchen isn’t that big, and we want you to get the most out of your visit. If you are late your appointment will be shorter, as we need to get you finished off before the next family’s appointment time.
Who’s Kate? A trained carrying consultant with 25 years of experience using and supporting others in using slings and carriers.
What are the additional costs? Same as always, see here What does it cost? – Chesterfield Sling Library