Chesterfield Sling Library sessions

For upcoming session dates see here.

Pre-registration is essential for all sessions (by email to, you will receive some pre-session information and questions, your place is not confirmed until we receive your answers to these questions.

Our free-to-attend monthly session takes place on the first Friday of the month 09:30-11:30 at:

Brimington Common Methodist Church, Manor Road, Chesterfield S43 1NU

The Library session is run by trained and experienced volunteers, who offer:

  • General information and advice about slings and carriers and how to use them safely
  • Demonstration of age-appropriate carrying options and the chance to try these on with our demonstration dolls and with your own child
  • Help with the correct fitting, safe and appropriate use of your own carrier

We operate on a first-come first-served basis, you can expect to spend around 20 minutes with a demonstrating volunteer, and you are welcome to stay for the whole session to meet other parents and carers with an interest in carrying.

You can join Chesterfield Sling Library and hire slings and carriers from us. There is a hiring registration fee of £5 for new members. Slings and carriers cost £6.50 or £13.00 a month to rent (depending on type of sling/carrier). There is a ‘fit fee’ of £5 if you attend solely for help with your own carrier.

We do not charge for attendance at the session but pre-registration is essential (by email to so that we can ensure that you have up-to-date pre-session information, and so that we know what to bring with us to help you.

Saturday Slings

Kate also runs Saturday sessions, usually from home. Booking is essential (by email to Appointments are payable in advance, see here for more info