Stretchy Wrap
A stretchy wrap is a long piece of stretchy material which you tie around your body before gently positioning baby and stretching the fabric over them to support them. Ideal for newborns, the right stretchy can be used up to around 1 year.
ALL STRETCHY WRAPS ARE NOT EQUAL ! There are two broad classifications, one-way stretchies and two-way stretchies, and within those classifications different brands have different properties (width, length and elasticity). Additionally, not all stretchy wrap manufacturers are willing to confirm that their products are dyed with child-friendly dyes. As you’d imagine, a 1-way stretchy stretches in only one direction, widthways, These are less straightforward and forgiving to use than 2-ways, and include most of the Amazon cheapie brands, also the Moby original, and (surprisingly) the Ergobaby Aura.
At Chesterfield Sling Library we have chosen to have these brands of two-way stretchy (easier to use than one-way stretchy) available for hire:
- Boba
- Hanababy
- Lifft regular or shortie for slimmer or shorter parents and carers
- LoveRadius (formerly JPMBB) basic or original
We can advise you on your own other-branded one-way or two-way stretchy, and do have some of these available for demonstration.