2024 Planned Session Dates

Unlike some other sling libraries we do not run as a business, we are a not-for-profit run by volunteers. Our volunteers have real lives, jobs and children and sometimes sessions may be short-staffed or it may not be possible to run them safely so we may have to cancel.

Pre-booking is essential for all sessions – email kate@waystocarry.co.uk

  • Friday 5th January 10:00 – 12:00 Hasland Village Hall, S41 0AY (free to attend)
  • CANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS (COVID) Friday 2nd February 10:00 – 12:00
  • Friday 1st March 10:00 – 12:00 Hasland Village Hall, S41 0AY (free to attend)
  • Friday 5th April 2024 10:00 – 12:00 Brimington Common Methodist Church, S43 1NU (free to attend)
  • Saturday 20th April 2024 – 14:00, S41 0HE (£10 booking fee)
  • Friday 3rd May 2024 10:00 – 12:00 Brimington Common Methodist Church, S43 1NU (free to attend)
  • Saturday 18th May 2024 – 14:00, S41 0HE (£10 booking fee)
  • Friday 7th June 2024 10:00 – 12:00 Brimington Common Methodist Church, S43 1NU (free to attend)
  • Saturday 15th June – 14:00, S41 0HE (£10 booking fee)
  • Friday 5th July 2024 10:00 – 12:00 Brimington Common Methodist Church, S43 1NU (free to attend)
  • Saturday 13th July – 14:00, S41 0HE (£10 booking fee)

There will be no group sessions in August due to holidays. Kate will run 30 minute appointments from home if required, there will be a £10 booking fee for these, please email kate@waystocarry.co.uk to arrange.

  • Friday 6th September 10:00 – 12:00 Brimington Common Methodist Church, S43 1NU (free to attend, booking essential)
  • Saturday 14th September 14:00, S41 0HE (£10 booking fee)
  • Friday 4th October 10:00 – 12:00 Brimington Common Methodist Church, S43 1NU (free to attend, booking essential)
  • Saturday 19th October 14:00, S41 0HE (£10 booking fee)
  • Friday 1st November 10:00 – 12:00 Brimington Common Methodist Church, S43 1NU (free to attend, booking essential)
  • Saturday 15th November 14:00, S41 0HE (£10 booking fee)
  • Friday 6th December 10:00 – 12:00 Brimington Common Methodist Church, S43 1NU (free to attend, booking essential)
  • Saturday 14th December 14:00, S41 0HE (£10 booking fee)

Friday sessions are free to attend and are volunteer-run, attendees are seen in order of arrival by the next available volunteer.

Saturday sessions cost £10 to book and are consultant-run, attendees are asked to attend for a specific appointment time. Saturday Slings – Chesterfield Sling Library