Library Session Announcement
We’re back !!!! And we’ve missed doing this so much.
For the first time since March 2020, Chesterfield Sling Library will be running a full free-to-attend Library session on Friday 3rd September from 10:00 – 12:00 at Hasland Village Hall.
It will be a bit different, and pre-registration is essential, so if you plan to attend please email
If you have a current loan it will be due for return/renewal on this date, I plan to send out text-reminders tomorrow (29/08/2021).
Our membership fee remains £5 for life, loan fees remain £5 or £10 a month (depending on carrier type).
A reminder that we are volunteer-run, and our volunteers also work and have family commitments, so we’ll be starting small; for the time being we plan to run one session a month only, this will be held at Hasland Village Hall on the first Friday of the month 10:00 – 12:00.