Looking Forward to 2021
Coronavirus has had a huge impact on Chesterfield Sling Library.
Our session venues closed, some reopened briefly and then closed again. We risk-assessed, risk-assessed and risk-assessed some more which of our ‘normal’ in-person services we could offer, and concluded that we couldn’t guarantee the safety of our clients, our volunteers or ourselves by providing anything other than doorstep loans/swaps/returns and remote advice.
We are all volunteers at Chesterfield Sling Library, and looking after our own health, our own families and doing our own ‘real’ jobs through the pandemic and through various other complicating situations has meant that admin has been very hit and miss as well; that’s reminders, staying in touch with you, arranging carrier returns, answering emails, texts, messages etc. and I can only apologise for this and thank you for your understanding.
2021 will be a different year.
Over the next few days I plan to get the website and Facebook pages for both Chesterfield Sling Library and Ways to Carry updated, and in early January I plan to make contact with all those of you who have our carriers on loan.
We will continue to review the situation and risk-assess some more, and as soon as we can offer in-person services safely we will do so.
Until then, message the FB page or email kate@waystocarry.co.uk and we’ll do our best to get back to you.